Please use eConsult for the following:
- Adult and child Health Problems
- Reviews for long term conditions, medication or contraception
- Sick notes, test results or administrative help
Responses to requests are approx. 48 hours
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Same day appointments are booked through the receptionist. Once all the appointments have been booked the Duty Doctor will assess your symptoms and if necessary allocate an appointment for our urgent/emergency 5 minutes consultation appointments. Otherwise you will be redirected to other community services.
To request a routine appointment in the next 7 days:
When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with.
We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.
However you choose to contact us, we may offer you a consultation:
Appointments by phone, video call can be more flexible and often means you get help sooner.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible for us to offer the appointment to someone else. A text reminder will be sent to mobile phones.
To cancel your appointment:
If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or Call 111.
NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
Please tell us:
We encourage all patients to come to the surgery, where we are better equipped and facilities available, however, we do appreciate that some of our patients are housebound or very sick.
We are unable to visit patients out of our catchment area.
If you feel you need a doctor or district nurse to visit then please try to call before 10am. The doctor may want to phone you back, as it may be possible to deal with the problem over the phone.
We will always visit:
You will be assessed and contacted before your visit. This will be by a member of our home visiting service provided by the Primary Care Network and may not be by your preferred doctor.
Local guidelines state that a visit is unlikely to be required in the following cases:
These patients are almost always well enough to travel by car.
It may well be that children are indeed not fit to travel by bus or to walk, but car transport is a sensible option and often available from friends, relatives, neighbours or taxi firms.
Please note that your doctor has both the right and the responsibility to make a final decision on whether a home visit will be made and how urgently a visit is needed.